My favorite movie

My favorite movie is Alice in Wonderland. When I was a little, I saw him on the Disney Channel in his old version, and when the new version came out (in live action) I loved it even more! I really like the plot of the movie, the characters and the strange story that is told. Also, I really like actor Johnny Depp, wich is why "the mad hatter" is by far my favorite character in the movie. I like the charater's personality, his way of being and dressing, his lifestyle, and of course, his madness. I really like fantasy and science fiction in movies, that's why I like Alice in Wonderland so much, and in general, I watch movies of all kinds, excepto horror movies, I'm very scared so I don't like them. The truth lately I have only seen series (I like them more), but the last movie I saw was The Joker in the cinema. The reviews were very good so I went to see it, and I really liked it a lot. If you haven´t seen it, I recommend it. The photo is from the sequel to th...